Stay me with flagons; comfort me with apples.

Ruby Queen is a Japanese plum with dark red skin and firm red flesh. It has excellent flavor, blooms with Methley and ripens several weeks after Santa Rosa.
It was released in 2004. Ruby Queen is a high-quality, late-ripening fruit that is well-adapted to the humid climate of the southeastern United States. Ruby Queen has performed well in central Georgia, in New Jersey and New York and is recommended for trial in areas with similar climates. J.M. Thompson of the Byron, Ga USDA-ARS selected Ruby Queen to be introduced into commerce in 1985. Ruby Queen should be planted adjacent to other plums blooming at the same time to facilitate insect pollination since flowers are probably self-incompatible. In most years heavy thinning has been needed to reduce fruit set and maintain tree vigor. Skin color is dark red to reddish-black, covered with a waxy bloom. The red flesh is firm with outstanding flavor. With proper thinning, 2 inch fruit size is common. Fruit shape is round. The medium-sized pit is more or less clingstone.
- Japanese