"Humanity will be renewed in the Orchard, and the Orchard will restore it."
RED SIBERIAN CRAB originated in France, and its synonyms are Red Siberian or Siberian Crab. Fruit small, decidedly ornamental, borne in clusters. It is three-quarters of an inch to an inch in diameter, roundish-oblate to somewhat oblong, irregularly elliptical. The stem is long and slender; cavity acute, medium in width and depth; calyx small to medium, often deciduous; basin but slightly depressed. Skin smooth, pale yellow, striped and blushed with lively red, and overspread with blue bloom; flesh subacid, astringent, good for culinary uses. Season: September and October. This is Beach's description. Vintage Virginia trees have yet to fruit
Ripening Period
- Early Fall - September
- Mid Fall - October