Fine fruit is the most perfect union of the useful and the beautiful that the earth knows.

MEDAILLE D'OR came from a seedling grown by Monsieur Goddard of Boisguillame, Rouen, France, and was awarded a gold medal in 1873 by the Societe Centrale D'Horticulture de Departement de la Seine Inferieure. Golden-yellow in color, covered with a marbling of brown russet, this cider apple often has a browner russet on the sun-exposed side. The flesh is tender and yellowish in color, and the juice is very sweet with a strong, not unpleasant, astringent aftertaste. The shape is oblate, broad at the base and often irregularly spherical. One report states it contains 18.6% sugar, which ferments to 9% alcohol, but another report indicates 238 grams of sugar giving 14 to 15 per cent alcohol. The tree is vigorous and bears its fruits in clusters. It ripens in September.
Ripening Period
- Early Fall - September